The Let Them Theory

My thoughts on the Let them Theory

The let them theory has been everywhere online at the moment or maybe it's just within my circle of friends and followers. So I bought a copy on Audible and downloaded it and decided that I'd listen to it when I take Ted for a walk.  I'm often sceptical about self-help books because they often repeat themself.  

While listening to The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, I had a huge realization—I haven’t been a priority in the lives of the people closest to me. But more importantly, I haven’t been a priority in my own life. I’ve spent so much time making everyone else a priority that I completely forgot to make myself one. Boom!

Now in my 40s, I’ve been through a huge life transformation over the past few years. Yet, I’ve allowed my current situation to carry on for so long because I kept putting someone else’s feelings above my own—that was my pattern of behaviour. Chapter 8 was a real eye-opener. As someone who has experienced silent treatment, I’ve come to understand that I don’t have to take on someone else’s emotions. As long as I stay true to my integrity and values, I can let them feel however they feel—just as I allow myself to do the same.

I'm only on chapter 9 at the moment so I'm not that far along in the book but so far I've found it really interesting.  I think naturally I'm a people pleaser and often take onboard other people's feelings rather than seeing what mine are.  It'll only be after that I realise that what I've maybe done has made someone else happy but maybe I am not.

Below I’ve attached a link to the Mel Robbins Let Them Theory You Tube video but first I believe the original Person that came up with The Let them Theory was Cassie Phillips so I’ve attached the original poem below. It’s important to me to show the source of the Let Them Theory. It actually makes me sad that this lovely lady isn’t getting any recognition. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

As I keep listening to the book I'll try and update this blog but if I don't and you aren't happy that I haven't then be rest assured that I will be thinking Let Them and in return I'll Let me be ok with that LOLs.

Sending so much love from Sprocket HQ

Sarah, Ted & Wookie

PS I've lit the fire today because the weather is miserable and Ted now sleeps on a chair that overlooks my studio so he can keep an eye on me. Wookie is in front of the fire on his back loving life. I feel so grateful for these two and I hope they know how much I love them x

One of my favourite lines ‘You were never, theirs because you were always your own’


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